vậy theo ý kiến mày thì sao ???
Vấn đề do porn thì bỏ porn đi thôi, nhưng hồi phục sẽ lâu và đòi hỏi kiên nhẫn đấy, đéo có chuyện vài tuần vài tháng là ngon luôn đâu. Trên reddit, nofap forum....họ thường mất tối thiểu 1.5 năm, có ông mất hẳn 3 năm
Hello Brothers! I am almost 49 years old. Most of you are half my age. I was compelled by another post, someone asked “How would your life be if you weren’t addicted to Porn” My story will tell both sides. I always say it’s never too late to stop Porn & Masturbation, I stopped on March 21st, 2017. That was 1247 days ago or just at 3.5 years at the age of 45.
I started watching porn about age 9-11, Then became a sex addict starting in my early 20s. For all the guys in your 20’s I hope you understand my path. When I was young I would watch porn just about every day and also have sex every couple of days with different women. I was never able to orgasm from sex, only from masturbation, that’s how my brain developed. However, I could still have sex, in fact, I could go a VERY long time, girls really liked it, but I would still have to finish by masturbating. So when you are young you think you can do both and that Porn might not be harming you that bad.
My general feeling in life was, I was just mediocre happy, never found a lot of excitement in my jobs, and I did job skip a lot. I also could not maintain any type of relationship. I lacked confidence, I was insecure. I was jealous of so many guys that seemed to be happy and succeed in life and I wasn’t.
Fast forward to my late 30’s and early 40's. I had been addicted to porn for so long that I could no longer get erections with women, so it meant I had NO chance of maintaining a relationship. I became extremely unhappy, nothing excited me, I had no hobbies. I did work out a lot as that seemed to be the only that helped depression and give a bit of motivation.
The point is, the longer you go, there is no question that your life will continue to get worse, you will eventually not be able to have sex, your relationship with people will be fake and unrewarding and you will never be happy in ANY job and your life will be completely unfulfilling!
It was when I was about 43 when I FINALLY realized PORN was the root of ALL my problems in relationships, work, my lack of happiness, my feeling of loneliness. It was then I studied, learned, took classes, read books, had therapists, everything. It was when I was 45 I was able to figure it all out and that’s when I stopped Porn and Masturbation. I finally had the realization that PORN was NEVER going to let me have the life I wanted or be happy.
After I stopped, things began to slowly change, but it took WAY longer than the 90 days everyone talks about. I went complete hard mode for about 2 years, I had no sex, no masturbation, no Porn. Then I started to have sex with a couple different women, and for the first time in my life, I was able to orgasm from sex! During that time The fog finally lifted, I excelled at work, then I became financially independent. I also won 3 Emmy Awards and Co-Produces an award-winning Documentary Film. All within the 2-3 years after porn. In addition, I met the woman of my dreams a year ago and we are now engaged! MY LIFE TRANSFORMED after I stopped porn!
So the point being, if you do not stop, it will cause way worse problems in your life the older you get, well beyond just finding a girlfriend. It will cause problems in your work, in your relationships with friends and family, and you will eventually become extremely lonely, depressed, or even worse, numb to life.
EACH and every one of you deserve to be happy, I wish you could all experience and feel how I do now every day!! The world needs a “NO PORN YOU” The world needs all of you and all the contributions you can provide to the world. MY life changed at 45 and now I am able to help so many, Imagine what I could have done and contributed to the world if I stopped at age 25. I could have had SO many more years of happiness, abundance, and success! I could have helped MILLIONS of people! I am so ever grateful that I get to do it now... But each of you is where I could have been 25 years ago. PLEASE do NOT wait as I did... The world needs you... your future wife needs you, your future children need you. PLEASE do whatever it takes to quit porn and then be an example and teacher to others with the same challenge! I am inspired by the opportunity all of you have right now in your life... Please let My life be an example of what WILL happen when you get older if you do nothing. Please take every advantage and commit to doing whatever it takes to QUIT PORN FOREVER! I love all you guys!!